Seven Episodes with Sri Ram Kripalu Maharaj
Son Of The Ice King
SKU: RK001
Sri Ram Kripalu Maharaj
Raj Supe
His Holiness Swami Ram Kripalu Das Ji was born in Orissa on September 27, 1940. He went in search of his master at sixteen years of age After some wanderings by way of pilgrimage he reached Uttar Kashi and thence he went to Gomukha to surrender himself at the feet of His Holiness Sri Vishnu Das Ji. After a Tapasya of about ten years in the Himalayas, he descended on a nationwide pilgrimage of the four Dhams. He later settled down at a lower height in Uttar Kashi. Uttar Kashi Ashram was washed away in Ganga floods a few years ago and since then His Holiness took abode in Maya Kund, Rishikesh.
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