
Holy Basil Books is a companion to the spiritual aspirant and true seeker, especially the follower of ancient India’s Sanatana Dharma.
It is a humble offering at the feet of our master Sri Sri Sitaramdas Omkarnath to make his books and teachings readily available. The store also includes books by other saints of India, the classics on Indian spirituality.
Spiritual journey is a long and daunting one. A great deal of help is required from the Masters to answer the questions that our mind throws at us and to keep us committed to righteousness in life. This is where the assistance of Shaastra is called upon. Shaastra is that which teaches (shaasti) and protects (traayate) from samsara through teaching; shasanat trayate hitam upadishati. However, without the help of a Guru, a saint and master, the truths contained in the shastras cannot be revealed. Holy Basil provides the words of the sages.
Variety of books by spiritual authors are included in our offering. We are also the authorized resellers for Geeta Press, which has the largest collection of authentic books on Hindu (Sanatan) Dharma.